Upon the invitation of Dokuz Eylül University Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Student Community, we came together at Materials Day to discuss the future of the sector and the world of today.
Within the scope of the event, Serkan Soykan, our Customer Technical Services Manager, started his presentation with a short introduction of Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding and its incorporated companies, and continued with a briefing about steel production and consumption information, trends and developments in Turkey and the world. Then, Soykan, who continued his presentation by explaining steel production and cold rolling technologies starting from ore, talked about the product groups we produce, our capacities, our finalized and ongoing investments.
At the end of the program, an inclusive event was held where questions about job and internship opportunities from the participants were answered.
As an organization that always supports education and development, we are here for #SteelLike generations!